為了迎接2011年,即民國100年,台灣白花油特別舉辦了「台灣最美攝影大賽」,從今天開始到2011年1月12日截止,只要拍下一張美麗的台灣風景照,或是您的美美人物照,上傳到Facebook白花油超人氣擂台,就有機會把iPad、萬元獎金等好禮帶回家! Taiwan Pak Fah Yeow holds 「the beauty in Taiwan」Photo Contest for celebrating the New Year 2011(it is also the Nation Centenary celebration). You would take a beautiful picture for the scenery or the figure in Taiwan, and upload your files to the Pak Fah Yeow Super Contest in facebook! You'll have a chance to win the iPad or NT$10,000 cash!
Want to celebrate the New Year and have not to spend money?